H.A. Formulas

H.A. Formulas
Discover The Molecule of Youth�! Hyaluronic Acid (H.A.) � a key component of collagen � is the crucial space-filling, hydrating, gel-like substance found in the body�s connective tissues, making it a vital nutrient for joint comfort and lubrication, skin health, and even eye health.*
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  1. Ultimate H.A.® 7
    Ultimate H.A.® 7
    Clinically studied ingredients that support joint comfort in as little as 7 days*
  2. Hylastra® Gold - Anti-Aging Serum
    Hylastra® Gold - Anti-Aging Serum
    A revitalizing serum that yields long-lasting hydration and supple skin using ultra-hydrating Hyaluronic Acid
  3. Hylastra® Gold Softgels
    Hylastra® Gold Softgels
    Collagen, Omega-3s, antioxidants, and co-factors that hydrate skin and lubricant joints - all in a softgel*
  4. Hylastra® Gold - Healthy Aging System - 1 Serum + 1 Bottle Softgels
    Hylastra® Gold - Healthy Aging System - 1 Serum + 1 Bottle Softgels
    Unlock clinical hydration and collagen support with an H.A. softgel formula and a luxurious H.A. serum
  5. Fast Action H.A.™ Hyaluronic Acid Super Formula
    Fast Action H.A.™ Hyaluronic Acid Super Formula
    Hyaluronic acid + clinically studied Perluxin® to promote joint comfort in just 2 hrs.*
  6. H.A. Joint™ Sport
    H.A. Joint™ Sport
    NSF Sport Certified formula promotes joint comfort and helps lubricate & cushion your joints*
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