MyBiotin™ ProClinical + MyKeratin™ - LUX Value Pack

Restore The Full Beauty of Your Hair, Skin & Nails
Millions of people wash and brush their hair as part of their daily routine. But the fact is this can cause natural hair loss and hair dullness by weakening the structure of each strand.
So, if you're one of the millions who stare into the mirror and wonder how all that hair ended up in the shower drain, on your hairbrush, or even just looking dull and lifeless on your head, then you might be experiencing a daily "hair nightmare."
And you might've questioned where those new wrinkles around your eyes came from. This is just another part of daily aging that just never seems to end.
But it doesn't have to be that way...
Now, you can grow thicker, stronger, brighter, shinier hair — and enjoy smoother, more hydrated skin and stronger nails — without going to the spa for expensive hair & skin treatments.
Say hello to MyBiotin® ProClinical + MyKeratin™ — the Thicker, Stronger, & Shinier Hair Value Pack!
This amazing value pack combines patented and clinically studied nutrients to form a powerful weapon in the fight against the visible signs of aging.*
Simply put — you are going to love how they make you look & feel!

Build Thicker, Fuller Hair in Just 3 Weeks with MyBiotin® ProClinical
MyBiotin® ProClinical combines two patented and clinically studied nutrients into the bestselling cosmeceutical that has been taking the beauty world by storm.

In just 3 weeks, you will see a more beautiful you in the mirror... A more beautiful you with thicker hair, more hydrated skin, and less fine lines & wrinkles than you had a few years ago!*
The MB40X™ Secret
First up in this amazing formula is a NEW form of biotin that melds Magnesium Biotinate with Arginine Silicate, two ingredients that may be hard to pronounce but absolutely deliver stellar results when bonded together.
We call this unique biotin matrix MB40X™.
Why MB40X™?
Because this combination of ingredients is 40X more soluble than ordinary biotin.
And higher solubility means more biotin reaches your scalp — where it promotes hair growth — and your skin — where it goes to work smoothing out crow's feet around the eyes and other wrinkles on your face.*
In all, here is what 40X more biotin solubility can deliver:
- Increased hair growth and hair thickness in as few as 3 weeks*
- Up to 20% thicker hair by week 12*
- Reduced facial wrinkle depth*
- Improved skin texture*
- Fewer fine lines & wrinkles*
- Improved skin elasticity (that's how plump, pliable, and "tight" your skin looks & feels)*

The Astaxanthin Edge
Astaxanthin delivers 6,000 times the antioxidant power of Vitamin C against the oxidative activity of singlet oxygen free radicals.∞ It is great at protecting the cells and tissues in your skin from the signs of aging caused by oxidative stress, sun exposure, pollution, and more.*
But did you know that Astaxanthin is also great at promoting skin hydration?*
A clinical study showed that people taking Astaxanthin enjoyed 17X more hydrated skin when compared to the placebo group. 17 times!
That means moist, glowing skin — and that equals fewer lines and wrinkles.*
Plus, there are so many clinical studies backing up the abilities of Astaxanthin, that it's hard to keep count!
These studies show that Astaxanthin:
- Reduces facial skin wrinkle depth*
- Hydrates skin up to 17X more than placebo*
- Improves skin moisture retention*
- Increases skin elasticity... And the list goes on and on!*
So put aside your old "hair, skin & nails" formula — and say hello to a more beautiful, vibrant, and vital you with MyBiotin® ProClinical. Your mirror, hairbrush, and you will be thankful that you did!
Promote Hair Strength, Luster, and Shine with MyKeratin™

Backed by cutting-edge cosmetic science, MyKeratin™ helps you grow "spa-quality" hair with daily nutrition.
The MyKeratin™ breakthrough comes in the form of Cynatine® HNS, an innovative keratin molecule that is more absorbable than ordinary keratin. The patented process used to create Cynatine® HNS delivers key keratin protein into your body, where it is used by your hair to promote strength and luster.*
A groundbreaking study1 on the exact 500 mg dose of Cynatine® HNS in MyKeratin™ produced some amazing results:
Stronger Hair
Hair strength was measured using a gentle "pull test" and the exact number of hairs lost were counted. Subjects in the placebo group saw no reduction in the number of hairs lost at Day 30 and Day 60 (and only a slight reduction at Day 90) — while subjects taking the active ingredient in MyKeratin™ experienced:
- 16.9% reduction in hair loss at Day 30
- 38.9% reduction in hair loss at Day 60
- 46.6% reduction in hair loss at Day 90
- 5.9% increase in hair tensile strength by Day 90

While the Cynatine® HNS subjects were enjoying stronger hair and less hair loss from normal washing and brushing, they also saw a second big hair benefit: more hair luster and shine! Hair brightness was determined by a licensed dermatologist, who assigned a score of 1, 2, or 3 as a measurement of brightness and luster. The results showed:
- 17.6% improvement by Day 30†
- 35.3% improvement by Day 60†
- 47.1% improvement by Day 90†
In fact, 87.5% of the people who took the active ingredient in MyKeratin™ reported loving their brighter, shinier hair (as opposed to only 16.7% in the placebo group).

The same clinical study that looked at the hair benefits of Cynatine® HNS also measured nail appearance and nail strength. And like the hair results, the nail results were amazing — including increased protection against nail breakage and zero broken nails for nearly 88% of the study participants.*
1 -
† - Compared to placebo
∞ As per Singlet Oxygen Quenching Activity
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